Protect the Children’s Future Corp. (PCF) is a Maryland-registered nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged children in rural areas of Haiti.  It was founded in 2011 by Harry Gray, an expatriate Haitian who grew up in the town of Miragoane.  Harry was so moved by the plight of the children he encountered on frequent trips back to his native country that he decided to put a formal structure in place to maximize the impact he could have in making their lives healthier and happier and their futures brighter. To learn more about how you can support our programs, or to get involved with this important effort, please call 301-538-5153, or contribute by clicking on the Donate button below.

Hurricane Matthew  – PCF Micro-credits Program

​As you know, on October 4, 2016 Haiti was devastated by Hurricane Matthew which killed several hundreds of people, left tens of thousands homeless and caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage. The Southwestern part of the country and the Nippes Department, where Protect the Children’s Future has been working since 2011, were specifically the hardest-hit regions. Not only had many homes there been destroyed, but roads and bridges had been washed out, making it difficult for people to get food and other basic necessities. Many of PCF’s beneficiaries were affected by the hurricane.  The magnitude of the crisis was such that PCF stepped in to help.  PCF established a Micro-credits program which presently assists 37 individuals.  Participants of the micro-credits are, for the most part, parents of the children enrolled in PCF’s programs.  Through these small credits, participants are able to conduct small businesses to help improve their families’ living conditions.  

Help Support PCF’s 2019 Arts and Sports Summer Camp for Underprivileged Youth in Rural Haiti

​In the summer of 2016, PCF ran a one-week sports and art camp for 250 economically disadvantaged boys and girls (ages 8-18) from rural sections of Haiti’s Nippes Départment. Two PCF members and three high-school volunteers traveled from the U.S. to the camp’s location in Petite Rivière de Nippes, where they served as camp counselors and administrators and were joined by ten local athletic coaches and assistant: Hollix Fede, Scherlie Fils-Aime, Jackson Cyde, Dyna Wagnac, Benito Joseph, Simson Zamor, Pierre Donald, Henry Claude David, Thomas Michel and Jameson Precil. Campers chose between three different options (soccer, basketball and art provided by a local art teacher) and were served a hot meal each day – which, for many, was their only substantial meal. In addition to providing all equipment (including T-shirts, soccer balls, cleats, basketballs and art supplies), PCF provided transportation to those campers who needed it, and made lodging arrangements for 28 girls and boys who would not otherwise have been able to participate. A requirement for participation was that campers had performed well in school during the previous academic year. The campers, coaches, and the communities all wholeheartedly supported the camp and hope to see the program continue.

A letter from PCF’s President

Dear friends of PCF:

​We would like to thank you for your very generous past support of Protect the Children’s Future (PCF). Thanks to donors like you, we’ve accomplished a great deal since the establishment of the organization, improving the lives of disadvantaged children in rural Haiti in multiple ways:

Each year since 2012, we’ve provided full scholarships (covering tuition, exam fees, textbooks, school supplies, meals and uniforms) to approximately 65 needy schoolchildren living in the locality of Jamais Vu “Corail Lherisson”, an extremely disadvantaged rural community with no household water connections or electricity and virtually no employment possibilities. The children we’ve helped, ranging in age from 6 to 18, have unemployed parents who can’t afford the cost of education, which is not free in Haiti. In August 2014, we began a university-level scholarship program providing tuition assistance to economically disadvantaged recent high-school graduates, so that they can attend a four-year program at an accredited university of their choice.     

We continue our boys’ and girls’ soccer programs in the towns of Cotes-de-Fer (Jamais Vu – “Corail Lherisson”), Miragoane, Paillant, Petit Goave (Arnoux) and Petite-Rivière de Nippes. Initiated in 2012, these programs provide economically disadvantaged children with an opportunity to develop their character and soccer skills in a structured environment under the guidance of qualified adult coaches. Equipment (shin guards, cleats, uniforms and balls) is provided at no cost, but participation is contingent upon the children’s academic performance. Thanks to your support, we’ve been able to provide these kids with the opportunity to strengthen their acquired skills through weekly practice sessions and games, soccer tournaments and a yearly summer soccer camp. More than 800 boys and girls have participated in these programs to date.

We’ve distributed more than a thousand pair of shoes to needy children in several communities, especially during the back-to-school months. The shoes – which also afford protection against dangerous parasites that can infect those who walk barefoot – were donated by the U.S.-based charity Walk in My Shoes.

PCF’s goal is to serve as many disadvantaged children as possible in these Haitian communities, and to eventually branch out to the country’s other underserved rural localities. But without your help, we may not meet these goals. Your contribution will make a world of difference in the lives of the children we assist.

You can donate online at or mail a check (payable to Protect the Children’s Future Corp.) to P.O. Box 1167, Bowie, MD 20718. Your donations are tax-deductible.  Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or comments. We can be reached by telephone at 301.538.5153 or by email at We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support.


Harry Gray, President